Thursday, 21 March 2013

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC Point blank is a computer games genre fps played online. This game developed by zepetto from south korea and published by ncsoft. Besides in south korea this game have server own in some countries such as thailand, russia, indonesia brazil, turkey, united states, and peru.

In indonesia this game managed by pt. Kreon gemscool through. Point blank spin a story about a feud between free rebels and government that in a way is counter terrorist force ( ct-force ).

Point Blank is a fast paced online first-person shooter, which is very similar in terms of game counter-strike. Point blank, players join the rebels free or CT-Force team (free based on the rebel terrorists from counter-strike, while CT-Force based on Counter-Terrorists).

Each team tries to complete their mission objective and/or eliminate the opposing team. Each round starts with the two teams spawning simultaneously, usually in opposite ends of the map from each other.

The player can choose to play as one of four different default character models (acid and a keen eye for CT-Force and Aurochs and Tarantula to free rebels).

There are four character models purchased: deluxe Fennec and Pit Viper CT-Force or Cheshire and shade for the rebels. Players are generally given a few seconds before the round begins or before respawning to change weapons and/or equipment.

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC

Point Blank The Formation of Free Rebels

The increase of immigrants who did not get the job and expelled from the community, so as to survive the immigrant then perform a wide variety of criminal offence of robbery and trafficking of illegal drugs. This criminal action evolved into the teroganisir movement to form an organization called the Free Rebels. The goal is not to overwhelm the entire trade in illegal drugs and weapons worldwide and to create a sense of fear for society.

 Point Blank the formation of ct-force

Due to a conflict with the immigrants who are increasingly widespread, the Government decided to set up a special organization to confront the terrorists.Since the establishment of this organization, they begin to search for information and the presence of the terrorist organization called Free Rebels. In line with the growing terrorist threat, the Government then sends the best army ever help anyone in Government who then come and join and renamed CT-Force (Counter Terrorist Force) the formation free rebels.

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Point Blank Story 
In the mid-20th century, the new nation Koroga is developing countries. It grew quickly and in less than twenty years to become one of the most powerful country in the world. During the rapid growth, the country must face the industrialization, the growth of individualism and a dwindling population.

When some national policy to increase the population failed, the Government turned to immigration for the answer. The nation enjoys cheap labor and population increase; However, there is now increased conflict between native peoples and new immigrants.

Locals enjoy immigrant brought prosperity, but treating them as a servant class with few rights and no legal or political representation. The immigrants had tried to use a passive way to express their grievances and gain influence with a indigenous people more liberal-thinking, but government oppression has made it impossible.

High tension has forced local residents to crack down on the immigrant unrest and in turn has encouraged immigrants to support political groups more radical. The growing conflicts of interest due to divide the people between the original CT-Force (blue team) and the rebel free immigrants (red team).

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC

CT-Force mission is to protect indigenous rights and social order. For this purpose, it has declared all-out war against the rebels to free militants. Meanwhile, the rebels have sought to overthrow the free establishment.

Some want to force the Government to recognize their demands, some wanted to replace it with a different form of Government or social order is more diverse, while others want to destroy it altogether.

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Download Games Point Blank Online For PC
Point Blank is a tactical first-person shooter developed by Zepetto online, a company in South Korea. Point Blank has a variety of unique features that set it apart with a variety of online games such as Counter Strike, WarRock, and Crossfire.

Mode of the game  (Point Blank)

Death Match
Kill an enemy player to score your team reaches a specified value or strive to become the team with the highest score when the game time runs out.

Bomb Mission
The team's goal is to Free Rebels blow up the area called bombsite with C4, while the purpose of CT-Force team is to prevent Rebels blow up the team Free bombsite.

Destroy Mission
Destroy the target object in this mode.

Eliminate all enemies round is to win.

Shotgun Mode
Just type shotgun weapon that can be used in this mode.

Sniper Mode
Just type sniper rifle weapon that can be used in this mode.

Defense Mission
Hold objects of targeted or destroy.

Dino Mode
Survive the onslaught of dinosaurs and out through the door (escape).

Cross Counter
Against dinosaurs until time up.

Games Point Blank Online For PC Videos

Minimum System Requirements

CPU : P4 2.4G / Athlon 2500+
Ram : 512 MB
VGA : 128 on board/off board

computer specifications must comply with the minimum system requirements needed. Minimum support DirectX 9.0c.

 How To Install Point Blank Full Client:

1). File Open Point Blank Full Client, then select Intsallation.
2). Click "Next" and then click "I Agree".
3). Select the components to be installed, click "Next"
4). Select the folder location of point blank, and then click "Install"
5). Wait until the installation is complete.

How To Install Point Blank Full and Partial Patch Patch:

Install Point Blank Full Patch is required to minimize download the patch at point blank game first starts. If necessary, install also point blank partial patch.

How to Run the Game Point Blank:

1). Double Click the shortcut icon that is didesktop Point Blank.
2). Click Update to update, or directly doing click Check if my friend had installed all point blank patch.
3). Each time you finish doing Update, click Check in advance is recommended to ensure all components are running smoothly.
4). If so, click Start to start playing the game point blank.

Download Games Point Blank Online For PC

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