Thursday, 20 December 2012

Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update

Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update
Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update
Shadow Dancer a terrorist group iz planting numerous time bombs throughout the city. The players, a ninjas master accompanied by a canine partner sets out on a mission to dismantle the bombs and destroy the criminal syndicate behind these acts. There are four different sewers, consisting of three stages for the first mission and four stages each for the remaining three. In the first few stages of each mission, the player must collect a both amount of time bombs scattered throughout the stage in order to proceed to the goal. The final stage in each mission is a confrontation between the player and the boss. The sewers us are followed.

Play mechanical the shadow of a dancer who is not far different from an arcade version of the original shinobi. Such that the forerunner, control of a joystick eight-way and three buttons ( attack, jump, and ninjas wizarding) and almost all the players move from the original shinobi who are present here too. The biggest change to play mechanical is the addition of a friend dog that follows players around. When a dog barks against an enemy, player can sic dog at an enemy by pressing buttons while crouching, attack enables the player opportunity to attack enemy when he's bitten by a dog. However, if players take too long to attack enemy biting or an enemy has a strong defense, then the dog will be hurt and he shall be turned into a harmless dogs and will remain in the form of it until player gets his next time bomb or finished the stage. Dogs don't appear during the battle.

Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update
Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update

Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update
Players a weapon consisting of a limited supply of shurikens that he's throw from a distance and the sword that she swings when the enemy's closer to him. When a player collect a particular time bomb at each stage, it also by replacing, ordinary fiery versions, shurikens become stronger as well as his sword into blows and kicks strong, for the rest of the stage or current of life. A player can also use of one of the three random ninjas wizarding a spell to be distinctly all sails the enemy. Usually, a spell this can only be used, once per the stage but if a player lost all, alive and get a game over, he will begin a stage with two spells when he keeps. Likewise, he will be continued with three a spell of a third party and so on. Hold if the players complete without the use of shurikens stage, or spell he will be given with a bonus points.
Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update
Shadow Dancer Free Download Games Full Version Update
The mission between, player will participate in a stage where he should shoot down ( the perspective of his character's ) army air-drop ninjas down from a building. If the successful completion of a roundish, bonus he will be given in addition to life.

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Processor= 233MHz
Graphics= 16MB

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