Monday, 19 November 2012

The Sims 3 Seasons Free Download Games Full Version Update

The Sims 3 Seasons Free Download Games Full Version Update
The Sims 3 Seasons
The Sims 3 Seasons - Players can interact with the weather, get into the mood of each season and tell stories that are meaningful to their sims. There is also a unique Festival for every season, with the show sims can take part in. Sims can get their faces painted and compete in a hot dog eating contest in the summer, carve pumpkins and bob for apples during the fall and have snowball fights or go snowboarding and ice skating in the winter. Sims can also swim in the sea and playing football all year. There are new properties, ' love is cold ' and ' hot love '.

Sims with this characteristics will enjoy the extreme temperatures, found the cold or hot fun than uncomfortable. Sims can also capture get cold, chocolate, or getting struck by lightning. The days shorter in winter and longer in summer. Supernatural beings in this expansion pack is the alien, similar to that of The Sims 2 but with some updates.

There is a new feature that will allow players to change many appearances throughout the year called ' Seasonal many markers '. Players can set up different objects and decorations for every season, but can't make changes such as the mode of building a wall or roof. This is the key to the shift in seasonal Festivals, but also function in society and many housing.

In addition to adding new Seasons like snowgear, swimwear and raincoat. He added the filters at create a Sim, which allows the player to find the clothes of packages or expansion of certain items. Clothing from the basic game, expansion, Packaging of goods, and the shop will be updated to be chosen as outerwear.

The Sims 3 Seasons Free Download Games Full Version Update
The Sims 3 Seasons Free Download Games Full Version Update

The Sims 3 Seasons Free Download Games Full Version Update
The Sims 3 Seasons Free Download Games Full Version Update
Let your Sims take a dip in the sea on a hot summer day, bob for apples of autumn leaves, test their skills at snowboarding half-pipe or welcome spring with colorful umbrellas and walking in the rain! From all-new activities such as football for the seasonal Festivals are unique, your Sims can enjoy the beauty and bounty of the season is always changing.

Delight your Sims with new activities for every season: Whether building igloo intimate, carving a scary Jack lantern, took a dive from the Dive, or setting off fireworks, a new Sim you can always find new things to do all year round. Join the fun with the seasonal Festivals: Sims can go fight the snowball at the annual winter festival, get their faces painted at a summer festival, shouts at the spring dance or bob for apples during the autumn festival. Experience the joy and challenges of weather changes: new weather effects and reaction forces and capturing the driver's natural beauty! Sims can get tan, struck by lightning or catching a cold! Bring the outdoors inside: Your Sim can now learn a recipe for pumpkin cake or style of their home with new furniture and d cast. There are a number of new items for the ring in every season.

Download Games The Sims 3 Seasons 

System Requirement

Windows Xp/Vista/7
Min Intel Pentium 4
  1 GB Ram
4 GB Free Space

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