Thursday, 18 October 2012

Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update

Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
Tekken 6
Tekken 6 larger stages with more interactivity features of its predecessors, such as walls or floors 5 that can be broken to reveal new fighting areas. 6 the character customization feature has been enhanced, and some items have implications in some aspects of gameplay.

Systems rage has been added, giving the character more damage per hit when their vitality is below a certain point. Once activated, reddish aura energy that appears around the characters, and their health bar starts flashing red.

The Aura of anger can be customized with different colors and effects appear such as fire, electric, ice, among others. The other game features added is bound system. Each character has a few moves that, when used on an opponent that currently air in the juggle combo, will cause the opponent to be smashed hard into the ground, bouncing off the floor in a State of stunned them and leave them vulnerable to other combo or any additional attacks. On update, parrying an attack successfully Kazama low will also put the characters into the country tied.

The console versions (not including the PSP version) also includes additional mode entitled scenario Campaign that has similarities to the Tekken force mode and Devil within from the previous installment. In this mode, the player can move freely in an environment similar to a third person role-playing game. The player can also pick up weapons such as pillars and gatling guns, along with lootable items, money, and power-ups that can be found in chests scattered throughout the environment play.

The player can move freely between fights, but when a group of enemies are encountered, the game switches to a traditional style of Tekken, two dimensions. This Mode initially have only a single player offline. Namco released a patch on January 18, 2010 that enable online cooperative mode for campaign scenarios.

The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game include online multiplayer versus mode for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live respectively.It includes a ranking match mode, where players can promote their characters to higher levels, and the player match mode, where the player fights not rated and they can invite friends to have a match with them.
Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
After his victory in the previous tournament, Jin Kazama, King of the iron fist, has taken over the Mishima Zaibatsu, and now seems to have ambitions of tyranny. Using its resources in the Organization to become a global superpower, Mishima Zaibatsu, he severs the bonds of national and openly declared war against all Nations. This Act plunges the world into a downward spiral that is very chaotic, with large-scale civil war that erupted around the world and even in the middle of a space colony orbiting the planet.

Biological father, Kazuya Mishima, realized this and found themselves in the plot Genie disruptions for global domination to be a nuisance. Now responsible for the G Corporation, after seizing and took over the company after the failure of previous leader uses and then discards him, Kazuya is seen as The only opposition that can put a bounty on Jin and Jin's head for anyone who could catch him. Jin response is to announced The King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 to battle Kazuya and destroys the G Corporation.
Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
Meanwhile, among the ranks of The Tekken, a young soldier named Lars Alexandersson has started a rebellion to slowly dismantle the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation to end the war. During the operation, Lars stumbled on android a young girl identifying herself as Alisa Bosconovitch.

G Corporation immediately attack, troops began fighting and causing an explosion that kills almost everyone present at the scene and leaves Lars with amnesia. Lars escape with Alisa and the two embarked on a journey to discover their origins, the meeting and some of the characters in Tekken fighting before. Jin, along with the top of his subordinates, Nina Williams and Eddy Gordo, learning these things and issues to Lars manhunt.
Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
Tekken 6 Free Download Games Full Version Update
During the trip, Lars reunites with his Lieutenant, Tougou, and the two remained in touch. Gradually, Lars begins to recover from his amnesia and remembers that he was the illegitimate son of Heihachi Mishima, now living in solitude in but still plan to retake the Zaibatsu from Jin. Lars puts and confronts Heihachi, ready to kill him, but relents at the last minute and leaves, refusing the proposal Heihachi's that they worked together to defeat the genie.

Lars finally came into contact with Lee Chaolan, which serves as a contact for assistance and Lars after Lars friend Lee, Julia Chang, from the G Corporation. At the same time, Kazuya heard Lars's exploitation and sends his men to kill him.

Tekken 6 A fighting game developed and published by Namco Bandai. This is the seventh main installment in the Tekken franchise. Released in Japan Arcade on November 26, 2007 as the first game that runs on the PlayStation 3-based system 357 arcade Board. The game received an update, subtitled Kazama, a year later. Based on the home version of the update was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 27, 2009 and for the PlayStation Portable on November 24, 2009.

System requiments
Intel Core2 Duo, Intel Quad Core,
Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7
Operating systems
Windows XP SP2/SP3
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit

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