Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Egg Raider Free Download (Mini Games)

Egg Raider Free Download (Mini Games)
Egg Raider Free Download (Mini Games)
Egg Raider Free Download Games
You are the easterbunny ! (you: really ?! I am ?) Yes you are, now pay attention !
You are all out of eggs but without them there will be no easter.
Don't think you'll get them easily. You may remember eggs come from chickens. Well, you can besure they're not just gonna give you some.
Fight your way through the green fields and hills and get some eggs.
Beware of any moles and the ever dangerous hawks.
Keep up your health with the carrots you find along the way.
Once you get as much eggs as you can, head for the exit and safely back into your underground
egg factory and get those eggs painted in the egg machine.
Egg Raider Free Download (Mini Games)
Egg Raider Free Download (Mini Games)
 Pros :
- Great graphics. The unique semi-realistic/semi-cartoonish atmosphere is really nice.
- The audio also fits in great. From the atari-sounding hop, to the joyful little "yum" when the rabbit eats a carrot - all of the sounds included are excellent.
- For the most part, the game runs fairly smoothly.
- There are plenty of enemies and items to keep the game interesting for a long time.
Cons :
- The collision could definitely use some work. Espescially the moving platforms. There's nothing like sitting on one of those platforms for about 5 minutes getting to the eggsit and just as you try to jump, you fall right through the middle.
- The menu doesn't work at all except for "Play game" and "Exit".
- It would be nice if, after you died, it didn't reset all the eggs you got and put you back at the beginning of the level.

Egg Raider Free Download (Mini Games)

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