Pokemon Pikachu To The Rescue Free Download (Mini Games) |
Pokemon Pikachu To The Rescue Free Download - The main human characters face out of sight. When Togepi falls into a
dark hole, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Marill, Venonat, and Psyduck
give chase and finds himself in a giant trees once was Pikachu older homes. With the help of Pikachu friend, Elekid, Pok mon
find Togepi but she has mistaken for Exeggcuteegg. Pok mon head into
the depth of the tree to find the missing egg, meeting a trio of dancing
Bellossom along the way. Deadly storm Hits the area and Pikachu and his
friends try to protect the Exeggcute eggs from becoming fascinated with
using natural, such as lightning strikes and a water pistol.
Pokemon Pikachu To The Rescue Free Download (Mini Games) |