Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Cheat ATM GOLD + EXP New | PNS

Cheat ATM GOLD + EXP New | PNS
Cheat ATM GOLD + EXP New | PNS
Cheat ATM GOLD + EXP New - Update gold and exp hack sept 2012, cheat play ninja saga work 100% and easy, how to use atm gold and exp update 2012 :
tools : fiddler
pass : cheat-afrix

1. open fiddler
2. darg file swf to fiddler
3. clear cache
4. go to headquartes
Cheat ATM GOLD + EXP New | PNS
Cheat ATM GOLD + EXP New | PNS
5. click token>gold
6. write level you want > exchange 
7. enjoy cheating :)

NB : you want to rigiter PNS now, cocntact me:
my fb : http://www.facebook.com/afrix.m.you
phone : 085729615556
ayo daftar PNS segera sekali daftar dapat emblem + 50.000 TOKEN!!!
